Friday, August 8, 2014


Green Mount
Oct. 5 1880

Oh me! what a cross it is to be the oldest girl in school; for they are responsible for almost everything that happens, and worst than all, they have to be the first one to write the Wednesday evening record, and have all the others taking notes from them, ironically speaking.------

We all joined in the reading of the 30th Psalm, and then adjourned to the music room, where after the usual exerises of reading the record, taking up the collection &c, &c. Lucy played "Tilram" [?Pilram?Pilgram] which was followed by a sweet little verse from Mattie.  Then Loulie played a very pretty Amusement which we thought she played very well, but she didn't seem to think so.  Then Sallie read much to our interest an accounting of the introduction of the beautiful little verse [?] known as Smilax [?The first letter is unidentifiable-same as in the word above Tilram/Pilram] Mattie Kate then gave us The Crown of Roses. Her rendition of it was enjoyed by us very much.  Lou then read one of Mrs. Proctor's beautiful poems called "Words." I echo one of her sentiments viz. that words have their spirits. Yes this is a subject worthy of deeper meditation than we give. Then how careful we should be to give only kind ones.  Nannie read a comical extract. Then Cousins Lou & Florence played The Light Calvary.[sic-Cavalry][by Suppe]. It is needless to say we enjoyed it hugely.  Cousin Lou as usual had on hand a vaes of beautiful flowers & these together with the interesting exercises of the evening kept our eyes, ears, & noses wide open.  This closed our happy Evergreen Society. 
S.B. [Sallie Blount]

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Green Mount
Sept. 29, 1880
After the usual opening exercise, all the members of our society assembled in the music room.  Nannie played Reiter Galop a pieece whcih she learned by ear.  I hope she will soon be able to play some tunes by note.  Mattie read a piece beginning "A million little diamonds", & was followed by Lulie, who read, Our Ships at Sea." Then Lou played Remember Me [could not find], a very pretty tune which we all enjoyed.  Lucy read [not filled in] & Mattie Kate a funnny piece in colored English called "Keep Gittin."  Sallie played "Song of the Robin" very well, so of course we listened to it with pleasure.  Sister read something about Ole Bill, the most famous violinist in the world.  Then She played, Last Hope.  Then the undersigned played "Whispering Winds", which closed a very pleasant meeting.
Florence Fleet

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Evergreen Society Meets Again...Star gazing!

1881-1881 Session

Blount, Sallie Lee
Fauntleroy, Mattie Kate
Fleet, Lucy
Henley, M. Lou
Sale, Nannie F.
Starke, Loulie

Sept. 22, 1880
I had to make the humiliating confession that my record of the last meeting was unfinished & as a punishment for such unpardonable negligence we voted that I should write again.
We were very glad to welcome to our Society Miss Lulie Starke, who played for us the Spanish Dance.    Lou [Henley] read with much feeling "The Death of the Flowers."  It meninded me of the sad & sudden deaths of our freinds Howsie Toombs & Nellie Rice, cut down like the flowers by the early frosts.  I trust we may find them again, in that beautiful Land where the flowers never fade, & partings cannot come.
Lucy played Recreation No. 24 & Mattie read "Try Try Again." [photo]. Nannie read Tennyson's beautiful lines beginning "Break, Break, Break".
Mattie Kate played for the enjoyment of us all Gimbel's Var. on "Old Black Joe." [lyrics].
Sallie read a piece called "The Mountains of the Moon" which was followed by an animated discussion of what is really there & by the expressed hope that we may have an opportunity to see it for ourwselves "one of these days."
Sister [Lou-she is writing the minutes or is she referring to one of her sisters Florence or Bessie?] then played "Music of the Sea" & then we adjourned to hunt Stars in the Mount woods.
We were very successful in fidning them & had such a funny happy time, that we will not soon forget it.
Not signed, but would have been M.L. Fleet again "Lou"

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Green Mount Sept. 15, 1880
With very thankful hearts we met to reorganize our Evergreen Society. The short vacation which had intervened since our last meeting was filled with many mercies & pleasures for us all.
Sallie [Lee Blount]
[Sallie Lee Blount Mahood became a prominent Richmond artist. This self portrait is taken from her book Sallie Lee Mahood Autobiography, c. 1965]
was elected President, & Mattie Kate vice President.  Lucy was re-elected Treasurer, & we decided that the duties of Secretary should be equally divided among us all, consiquently it fell to my lot to write first.
Lou [Henley] played Beauregard's March & Mattie Fleet repeated the Frost. Nannie played Ohachonea [?] Waltz.  Mattie Kate read a pathetic story of how "An Innocent Amusement" proved the ruin of a promising boy.  Sallie played with a great deal of expression "Chant du Berger" & then Lucy read a charming little story full of good lessons called Rob's Magic Mirror.
Mattie Kate suggested & we passed unanimously the resolution not to use any slang, but to strive together for the improvement & happiness of each other both in & out of school.
I hope we may have as happy a session as the last, & that each one of us may try to make the Wednesday evening hour fuller than ever of pleasure & improvements.
M. L. Fleet
This is a copy of the actual page transcribed above. If anyone can figure out the name of the waltz that Nannie played please let me know what it is. It's written about midway down the page.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Green Mount
June 17th, 1880

We have been interrupted very much of late by our examinations and been obliged to give up our meeting for two weeks, but we determined we would meet again before we part perhaps some of us forever, but hope not. We took some time getting the account straight, and found we had $1.50 which we decided to send to the Foreign Mission. Lou played "The Battle of Prague". Mattie repeated the first verse cousin Lou taught her. It runs thus_____ "If ever you're inclinded to do aught by false, unkind or worthy blame, First find a spot where God is not, wherein to do the same." I think it is an excellent rule, and it would be a great deal better if would act up to it. Mattie Kate read " __she never filled in the blank__". The author appears to have possessed a very vivid imagination. Sallie played"Crown of Roses," very well with great expression. Vir was absent as Cousin Ruth has come home & is sick. Lucy was also away as she had to stay at home on account of having to start Charlie to Missouri. We are all delighted to hear that cousin Belle & all of aunt M. Lou's little grand children are coming soon, & that cousin Bess is coming too. It did us good to see how much pleasure it gave aunt M.L. Well, this is the last day that our "Society" will meet, for the session of 1880. It has been a pleasant session. We part, some of us I fear forever, but I hope if we never meet again on earth, that we may meet in that home above.
M. L. Henley

This is an earlier post from the old site but I wanted to add the pictures of the actual journal pages the post is taken from. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Here are two pages of the school's roster. You can see the session the journal pertains to which is 1880-81. Not many girls that year as compared to some of the other years. I am working on the reprint of Green Mount After the War. It is a great book. I imagine it will take me 6 months from start to finish. Will keep you posted. I hope to add photos to the book. If anyone out there has a picture of a girl who went to school here please contact me via email at or via phone 804-769-0092 or 804-241-5193. I would love to include your image in the new edition of this lovely old book. Let's put faces to these names!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I had started a blog site to transcribe the journal of the young girls who were students at Green Mount Home School for Young Ladies in King and Queen County, Virginia in the village called St. Stephens Church. This journal still at the home Green Mount is their minutes. Each girl had to have a turn at writing the minutes as an educational experience. It had been so long since I lasted posted that I could no longer log into the administration of it so had to start a new blog site. This one is called and to view the older posts please go to this link:

I will try to post frequently to this site. I am reading these only as I type them. When possible I hyperlink a song or poem so that you can click on the title and hear or read it. It's quite fun to find the songs especially. I hope you'll listen and or read any links that work.


Tere Pistole
Green Mount

The Evergreen Society Minutes continue (These being the writings of the girl students at Green Mount Home School for Young Ladies who usually met on Wednesdays at 3:00 in the parlor)

Feb 16, 1881
After the usual exercises of reading the Bible we assembled in the Music Room.  Lou played Monastery Bells very well.  Mattie Kate then read "First Love" [?John Clare 1793-1864] a very amusing piece showing that this article is nearly always a gushing sickly sentiment which lasts but a short time. Mary read a very pretty piece called Genlte [Gentle] Words and Loving Smiles. [possibly by C.D. Stuart]  Let me remember to use them both every day & thus make life more beautiful.  Nannie [ F. Sale ] played Weber's Last Waltz & was followed by Mattie [ Kate Fauntleroy ] who read What Are You good for. Lucy [ Fleet ] read about Trees et al-Wear Hats & Loulie[ Starke ] a piece dedicated to a Baby.  Sister [probably Louisa "Lou" Fleet] read a touching story of a little orphand girl travelling alone on a railroad, and how she found friends.  Sallie [ Lee Blount ] ended a very pleasnt hour by playing Music of the Sea.[couldn't find]
Florence Fleet
(born 1852, died 1903)